Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) provides strategic advice and makes recommendations to the Research Manitoba Board on research-related and peer review opportunities and activities. The membership of RAC should reflect the broad experience with research in the health, natural and social sciences, engineering, and the humanities in Manitoba.

Here is a list of our RAC members:

Dr. Jean-Eric Ghia (Chair)
Professor, Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Eftihia Mihelakis (Vice-Chair)
Associate Professor and Co-Chair, Department of Francophone Studies and Languages, Brandon University

Dr. Paul Alexandre
Professional Associate III, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Brandon University

Jeremy Chopek
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Manitoba

Dr. Allison Dart
Associate Professor and Pediatric Nephrologist, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

Dr. Tara Giller
Vice President – Growth, Smack Pet Food

Az (Ashley) Klymiuk
Associate Professor, Indigenous Scholar in Science, Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba

Ayush Kumar
Associate Dean, (Strategic Initiatives), Faculty of Science, Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, University of Manitoba

Heather Smart
Director, Research and Development, National Research Council, Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility in Winnipeg

Dr. Katrin Stedronsky
Senior Manager, Global Pharmacovigilance Operations at Emergent BioSolutions Inc.

Dr. Nancy Stewart
Director, Clinical and Scientific Affairs, GVI Clinical Development Solutions

Kevin Walby
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Winnipeg

Ronald Vanderwees

President and CEO, Vehicle Technology Centre (as of February 26, 2024)

Ex-officio members (non-voting):

Luis Escobar
Research Manitoba Board Representative

Dr. Mario Pinto
Research Manitoba Board Representative