A message from the Research Manitoba Board
After three years of dedicated service, Karen Dunlop, Chief Executive Officer, will be retiring effective December 29, 2023.
Under Karen’s leadership, Research Manitoba has significantly contributed to the advancement of research in the province with a total investment of $34.4M made into Manitoba’s Research ecosystem within the recent 2022-2023 year.
Throughout her time with the organization, Karen has been instrumental in the advancement of the Research Improvements Through Harmonization in Manitoba (RITHIM) initiative from a vision to launch of the first phase of the program enabled by amendments to the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) in 2022. This is a complex but much-needed piece of research infrastructure that is advancing toward completion as a result of the hard work by the Research Manitoba team and partners.
The board is grateful for Karen’s service and dedication to Research Manitoba’s mission over her tenure. We wish her all the best in her well-deserved retirement.
Effective January 1, 2024, Pam Harrison, currently the Director of Finance and Administration, will serve in the role of Interim CEO. The board is confident in Pam’s abilities to lead the team during this interim period.
As we prepare for this upcoming transition, the CEO search committee has retained Theresa Bolton of Customized Recruitment to lead the search for the next leader of Research Manitoba. We appreciate your support in sharing this opportunity in your networks and should you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Theresa at tbolton@customizedrecruitment.ca.
Further information on the opportunity and how to apply can be found here: Chief Executive Officer – Winnipeg, MB – Indeed.com
Kind regards,
Andrea Legary
Board Chair, Research Manitoba
Research Manitoba | 204-942-8702 | helpdesk@researchmb.ca | researchmanitoba.ca
Research Manitoba promotes, supports, and coordinates the funding of research excellence and innovation in health, natural and social sciences, engineering, and the humanities in Manitoba. Research Manitoba supports local talent development by providing research support to early career researchers and graduate students, along with fostering strategic partnerships to strengthen research and innovation in Manitoba.